Walking, knocking, and celebrating

By Raleigh North Region (other events)

Saturday, November 4 2023 9:00 AM 2:00 PM EDT

Greetings Raleigh North !!

This will be the last ditch effort for us to organize as a region to go to Wake Forest and help bring it home for Faith and Tom.  It has been inspiring to see how much effort and dedication we have all made for those two awesome candidates.

This spirit will do great things for our region next year if we continue our efforts for support and success.  These actions will help us win influence and other victories in Raleigh North and surrounding areas. 

It has been awesome watching this region pull together and even tap into Republican clubs in the area to solicit help.  We have made a huge difference.  Thank you all so much! 

What an amazing ride. I think we have enough gas in the tank for one more.  Soccer is now over and Karen and Sebastian will also get to join us this Saturday!   

It is also not too late to give a little to their campaigns. Follow the links below to give a few bucks to soften the financial burden.